
Our Lady of the Rosary
Primary School

Joy, Excellence, Service

Teaching of Religious Education



The purpose of Religious Education at Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Primary School is to nurture the Catholic Faith and its teachings, in our children. By helping them to live this faith, we hope to encourage our children to develop a better relationship with God and others around them.


Central to our ethos are the opportunities for prayer and worship which lie at the heart of our faith. We will endeavour to promote and encourage these at every level, together with the skills and attitudes necessary to live out the Christian message in the modern world.


Religious Education (R.E) should promote pupils’ cultural, moral, emotional, spiritual and physical development and prepare children for the opportunities and responsibilities that are to come.


R.E is a core subject at Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Primary School. It is delivered mainly through the Religious Education programme ‘Come and See,’ as well as supplementary materials and additional units recommended by the Westminster Diocese. Teaching is enhanced through links with home, the Parish Church, the local community and other subject areas, especially SMSC.


Aims and Objectives


  • To provide staff and children with the knowledge, understanding and awareness of the Catholic faith and its beliefs
  • To enable staff and children to communicate with God through prayer and scripture
  • To enable staff and children to develop their spirituality
  • To help staff and children to explore and express their sense of awe and wonder at the world God has created
  • To encourage staff and children to respect those holding different beliefs
  • To help staff and children grow in awareness of themselves and to develop a positive attitude to their own emotions, life, and learning
  • To enable staff and children to grow in their awareness of others and to develop relationships in a secure and supportive environment
  • To become aware of issues involving justice and the rights of the individual




R.E is a core subject and we plan for at least 10% of curriculum time to be allocated to RE. This time does not include time spent in collective worship. The ‘Come and See’ programme is used to deliver the curriculum, but other diocesan recommended resources are implemented alongside it. This enables the children to gain a deep knowledge and understanding of their faith.


