
Our Lady of the Rosary
Primary School

Joy, Excellence, Service

Meet the Governors

A warm welcome from the Our Lady of the Rosary Governing Body.


The governing body is a group of people who are appointed or elected, having a strong interest in developing Our Lady of the Rosary's school’s special identity and character.


The School Governing Body employs staff, controls admissions, acts as proprietors of the building on behalf of the Diocescan Trustees, has responsibility for the financial affairs of the School and determines and oversees the curriculum.


The Governors meet formally several times each year and have a number of working parties overseeing various aspects of the management of the School.


Foundation Governors –  Paul Alexander (Chair), Lynne Hill (Vice - Chair), Father Philip Dyer-Perry, and Karen Hart 


Parent Governors – Hayley Baumgart, Peter Kim


Staff Governors – Ms P McNicholas (Headteacher), Mrs A McCarthy (Deputy Headteacher)  


Mr P Alexander,  Chair

I (Paul Alexander) support Our Lady of the Rosary School as Chair. My two sons both attended our school and my motivation is to ensure that the values they developed and quality of education they received can grow and further contribute to our community. In my professional life I have worked across airline, technology and oil & gas sectors with companies including British Airways, Cordiem and BP. I am a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Purchasing & Supply, hold an MBA from Lancaster University and work as a Teaching Fellow at The University of Portsmouth.


Mrs L Hill, Vice-Chair

During my years as Governor at Our Lady of the Rosary I have enjoyed being involved with the school, parish and community.  I am a Human Resources Consultant with extensive experience in the areas of generalist HR management and leadership development.  I am currently working in the Education sector and a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development. I am also a FRHC Catechist. 


Father P Dyer-Perry

I've been Parish Priest of Our Lady of the Rosary Church since 2011 and a Foundation Governor since 2012. I am a frequent visitor to the school and my focus is supporting the Catholic Life of the school, maintaining a strong parish link, and helping to build and strengthen the life of the whole Catholic community in Staines as we strive to share the good new of Jesus Christ, who calls us to serve not to be served. 


Mrs K Hart

I stood for and was elected as Parent Governor in 2019, as I wanted to give back to the school community in a more strategic way. Since my eldest child started at OLOR in 2010, I have been involved in school life in a variety of ways, as a parent helper, (for individual reading and class trips), class rep, and as a very active member of the PTA; becoming a governor seemed to be a natural next step. I am also a Minster of the Word and a FRHC Catechist at OLOR Church, roles that I also very much enjoy as it enables me to give back to the parish community too.

I have been a civil servant for over 25 years, engaging with a wide variety of people and professions, and in the last 11 or so my role in government project work focuses on enabling business change, and ensuring tax-payers’ hard-earned money is spent wisely on projects that support the safety and security of the UK. My professional skills can be transferred to governorship, as change is everywhere and the need to spend money appropriately never goes away.


Mrs H Baumgart

I am a mum of three young boys, two of whom are currently in Our Lady of the Rosary School.  We are active members of the Parish and as a Parent Governor I am dedicated to add value to the relationship between School and Governing Body.  In a professional capacity, I have worked in Secondary Catholic education for the past 15 years and am currently an Assistant Headteacher in a local school.  I look forward to supporting and upholding the enriching school experience that Our Lady of the Rosary currently offers.


Mr P Kim

I hope to contribute in a productive manner as a Parent Governor using my professional experiences in the financial services industry. Our eldest is in Y2 and the younger joined in September this year, I very much look forward to helping the members of staff and working with fellow governors to make the school the best environment for all children to thrive. 





Constitution of the Governing Body
