Joy, Excellence, Service
Reception to Year 6
The school day runs from 8.45am to 3.00pm, Monday to Friday. This equates to 31 hours and 15 minutes per week.
Currently, the school gates open at 8.30am and children can enter their classrooms from that time. This 'soft start' to the school day allows children to begin their day in a calm and relaxed way. Once the children come in to school, they engage in a range of purposeful activities including reading for pleasure, reading with an adult and handwriting practice.
Children have break time from 10.30am -10.45am. Lunch time takes place between 11.45am -12.45pm from Reception to Year 2 and from 12.00pm-1pm from Year 3 upwards.
The school day finishes at 3.00pm. Children, who are not attending any after school provision, are collected from the playground. Children in Years 5 & 6 can have written permission to walk home independently.
Travelling to and from school independently
We prefer all children to be brought to school and collected by an adult. However, children in Year 5 & 6 are permitted to travel to and from school independently if written permission is given by their parents to the headteacher, who agrees. If children do travel to and from school independently, they are permitted to have a mobile phone, which must be handed in and collected at the end of the day and never used on the school premises. They must not have the responsibility of bringing a younger sibling to or from school.
Registration will be carried out at 8.50 am and at 12.50pm (infants) and 1.05 pm (juniors). Registers will be completed promptly at these times. If a pupil arrives after the start of registration but before the registers have closed he/she will be marked as late for that session. If a pupil arrives after the registers have closed, he/she will be marked 'Late after Registration' (U Code), which counts as an unauthorised absence.
There are two types of absence:
All absences will be recorded as either authorised or unauthorised. If an explanation for an absence is not received or if the explanation is deemed unsatisfactory then that absence will be recorded as unauthorised (absence will not be authorised for such reasons as shopping, daytrips and birthdays). All holidays taken in term time will be deemed an unauthorised absence.
Any prolonged planned absence must to shared with the headteacher via email in advance of the absence and in good time so a response can be discussed.
Parents are advised to report school absence by 8.45am at the latest on the first day of any absence. This absence should be recorded on studybugs.