Joy, Excellence, Service
"With joy in our hearts, we aspire to excellence and offer ourselves in service to God and neighbour."
Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Primary school is a vibrant, worshipping and welcoming community – a living example of our faith. Our mission statement informs all that we do.
Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Primary welcomes pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, as part of our community. Our aim is to maximise opportunities for all pupils so that they can achieve their full potential, personally, socially, emotionally and academically, in all areas of the curriculum, in an atmosphere of encouragement and respect.
We adhere to the principles that are essential in developing an inclusive curriculum which include the active involvement of the child in their learning and the importance of taking their views into account - the positive process of learning being as important as the outcome. All staff are encouraged to adopt an interactive, supportive role and to use a range of strategies and resources to ensure their teaching is varied and adapted to suit the needs and learning style of the individual child.
We are continually developing our skills, resources and techniques and modifying our provision to meet the changing requirements for individual children.
Children are identified as having SEN when their progress has slowed or stopped and the interventions and resources put in place do not enable improvement. Once this occurs, we have specific needs based support plans and pupil profiles which help support their development and accelerate progress.
What kinds of needs can be supported at our school?
Children with every type of need are supported at our school. We make our best efforts to ensure that every child in our school makes good progress and is well prepared for the next steps in their development towards their adult life. Our pupils have a wide range of needs including:
Who can I talk to about my child’s needs?
How do we identify children with Special Educational Needs?
Every child is assessed on entry. All children are different so we spend time identifying the needs of all children, before they enter school and throughout their school life. We always liaise with parents, the previous setting and with outside agencies if required.
How are children’s needs identified on entry to Early Years?
As soon as we know that a child will definitely be attending our school, we start finding out more about the child so we can plan for their needs and ensure that they settle into our school happily and make good progress. We build a picture of the child through:
How are children’s needs identified whilst children are at our school?
Pupil voice
All staff work hard to build a trusting relationship with the children in their care. Staff encourage children to be confident in expressing their needs or any concerns they might have.
Parent voice
Parents are encouraged to discuss any concerns they have about their child with the class teacher.
Through Teacher assessments
Class Teachers monitor and assess their pupils’ needs on a daily basis and together with senior staff identify pupils’ needs through
To ensure that children with SEND make progress, a cycle of assess-plan-do-review is used.
How do we work in partnership with parents of children with SEN?
Parents are kept fully informed if their child receives any form of additional support. It is important to note when a child is not making expected progress it does not necessarily mean the child has a special educational need. The child may narrow the gap through catch up interventions, additional resources and parental support. If however expected progress is not achieved, further intensive SEN provision may be required and advice sought from outside agencies.
We try and work closely with all our parents to ensure that all pupils are happy and make progress through:
How do we enable children with SEN to make decisions about their education?
We encourage all children, including those with SEN, to make decisions about their education. All children are expected to evaluate their own learning success and discuss their needs with their teacher. We do this in school through:
Children with SEN support
Children with SEN Support have a plan that outlines the support needed to achieve additional agreed outcomes to help them become confident young people and reach their full potential. These outcomes and the additional support needed to help the children achieve are reviewed and recorded termly by the class teacher in liaison with the SENDCo.
An appointment is then made with parents, along with the Class Teacher and SENDCo, in order to discuss/review and agree desired outcomes for the term ahead. Translators can be arranged once we have been given notice.
Children with an EHC Plan
In addition to termly review meetings we also hold an Annual Review meeting. We work with the parents and pupils to invite all the people needed in order to review the progress made against the outcomes in the EHC Plan. We aim to include the children’s views in this meeting in an appropriate way. Staff work with pupils to develop an ‘All about me’ profile of the child reflecting their views and wishes and any other information that the child wishes to share with the adults involved. Children can attend the whole of the Annual Review meeting if they wish – or just present their views.
How do we help children with SEN when they move to our school?
Before any child moves to our school we try to find out as much about them as possible to help them settle in quickly. All new children have the opportunity to come and visit the school and spend a short time in their new class so they know what to expect.
Once we know that a child has SEN we will meet with parents to decide on the desired outcomes we are all working towards, and develop a plan to support the child to achieve these aims. A copy of this plan will be shared with parents as soon as possible after the meeting. If required, some plans may detail a ‘transition plan’ to help the child settle into school easily and happily.
How do we help children when they move to another school?
Whenever any child moves to another school we always pass on school records to the new school. If a child has SEN we also:
How do we help children when they move between classes and /or phases of education?
When moving classes in school:
How are adaptations made to the school to help children with SEN?
Can the school work with other agencies/services?
The agencies we work with depend on the needs of the pupils in each academic year.
These agencies include:
How do we support the emotional and social development of all of our children?
All staff implement a positive behaviour policy daily in our school. We also teach children strategies to help them socially and emotionally in the following way:
When necessary we also support children’s social and emotional development through individual support plans that teach social skills and coping strategies.
How will my child be included outside the classroom?
All children are included in all parts of the school curriculum and we aim for all children to be included on school trips. In the unlikely event that it is considered unsafe for a child to take part in an activity, then alternative activities which cover the same curriculum areas will be provided.
All children get the opportunity to apply to be elected to Pupil Leadership positions.
What support is available for children with medical needs?
All children with medical needs have a Health Care Plan. All staff are trained and updated annually on Health Care Plans. More intensive training is arranged for specific medical conditions.
Surrey’s local offer containing all the services provided for children with SEND can be found here;