Joy, Excellence, Service
At Our Lady of the Rosary, we recognise that PSHE and Citizenship are closely related to RE and reflect the teachings of the Catholic Church. Our broader aim is to provide a faith community in which children can learn to respect themselves and others and take responsibility for their own actions. Fundamental to our school’s values and practice is the principle of sharing the responsibility for the education of children with our parents and governors. We keep parents informed of any developments and changes to our approach to PSHE and Citizenship Education.
Positive approaches to personal, social and health issues are promoted throughout the curriculum and general life of the school. Children are encouraged to learn and acquire new skills which will enable them to show respect and concern for themselves, others and the environment. They are encouraged to see themselves as valued members of the school faith community, their parish communities and the wider world community. To promote our children’s wellbeing and positive mental health, we use the Zones of Regulation as a tool to teach children to think about how their body feels and their emotions.