Joy, Excellence, Service
Religious Education
The primary purpose of Catholic Religious Education is to come to know and understand God’s revelation which is fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ…In the person of Christ, the deepest meaning of what it is to be human is discovered — that we are created by God and through the Holy Spirit united with Christ in his Incarnation. This revelation is known through the scriptures and the tradition of the Church as taught by the Magisterium. Religious Education helps the pupil to know and experience the meaning of this revelation in his or her own life and the life of the community which is the Church. (Religious Education Curriculum Directory, Catholic Bishops’ Conference, 2012, p. 3). The Religious Education Programme at Our Lady of the Rosary is ‘Come and See’.
The outcome of Religious Education is religiously literate and engaged young people who have the knowledge, understanding and skills – appropriate to their age and capacity – to reflect spiritually, and think ethically and theologically, and who are aware of the demands of religious commitment in everyday life. (Religious Education Curriculum Directory, Catholic Bishops’ Conference, 2012, p. 6)
Come and See
Religious Education is taught throughout the school using the 'Come and See' programme.
“Come and See” is an invitation and a promise of life for everyone. The invitation is open to all. In response to the question ‘Where do you live?’, Jesus invited the disciples to ‘Come and See.’ They went with Jesus ‘and spent the rest of that day with him.’
We recognise that all children are at different stages in their journey of faith; for some children RE is catechesis and part of their formation in the faith. Those who receive the invitation to ‘Come and see’ may also offer it to others. In the same invitation we remember that for some of our children RE will be evangelisation, the first opportunity to hear the good news.
Religious Education is a core subject of the curriculum for Catholic Schools and as such teaching and learning in RE makes up 10% of curriculum time. As such it is taught rigorously with all the same expectations as other core subjects whilst maintaining a creative element and encouraging children to question and think at a high level.
What pupils learn
Each term pupils study three topics, each lasting four weeks and following a common theme across the school. As the children move through the school this theme is developed further, appropriate to the pupils age and stage of learning.
Each year group approaches the theme through a different topic eg the Autumn term topic 1 is a 'Domestic Church' theme which is explored through:
Early Years – Myself
Year 1 – Families
Year 2 – Beginnings
Year 3 – Homes
Year 4 – People
Year 5 – Ourselves
Year 6 – Loving
In the Autumn term theme of Belonging (topic 2) Early Years children will be learning about Baptism as being welcomed to God’s family, in their “Welcome” topic, Years 1,2 and 3 further develop their understanding of Baptism, including Signs and Symbols (Yr2) and Promises (Yr3), whilst in their “Community” topic Year 4 move on to learn about Confirmation, Yr5 learn about the commitment of Marriage in their Life Choices topic and Yr6 learn about the vocation to priesthood and religious life in their “Vocation and commitment” topic. Scripture is at the heart of each topic.
The termly themes are as follows:
The three autumn themes are developed in the light of an understanding of Creation.
The three spring themes are developed in the light of an understanding of Incarnation
The three summer themes are developed in the light of an understanding of Redemption and the work of the Holy Spirit
Each four-weekly topic is broken into 3 aspects:
Children all have a RE book where there Come and See learning is both treasured and shows high expectations for learning. In addition, each class will have a moral issue question which they can answer in RE lessons, Collective Worship and cross curricular subjects. This evidence will be put into a class file.
The children’s personal social and emotional understanding is developed through our Religious Education and the Catholic Life of the school.
Judaism is taught in the Autumn Term and a Multi-Faith week takes place in the Summer Term.